Bridges to Wellness

 2229946 Alberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness Impairment Policy  

1. Purpose:  

1.1. 2229946 Alberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness is accountable to create a safe environment for staff, and members of the public. This duty includes addressing any issue that may impair  an employee’s ability to perform their work functions responsibly.  

2. Definitions: 

2.1. Disability – While there is not one single definition used across jurisdictions or industries,  disability can be defined as: Any previous or existing mental or physical disability and includes  disfigurement and previous or existing dependence on alcohol or a drug. (Canadian Human  Rights Act, 1985)  

2.2. Discrimination – An action or a decision that treats a person or a group negatively for reasons  such as their race, age or disability. (Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), (2013))  2.3. Impairment – While not formally defined by the Canadian Human Rights Commission in  “Impaired at Work: A Guide to Accommodating Substance Dependence” (CHRC, 2017), the  appearance of impairment at work is described as: “(e.g. odor [sic] of alcohol or drugs, glassy or  red eyes, unsteady gait, slurring, poor coordination).”  

2.4. Safety sensitive positions – While there is not one single definition used across jurisdictions or  industries, the Canadian Human Rights Commission (2017) defines a safety-sensitive position as  one which “if not performed in a safe manner, can cause direct and significant damage to  property, and/or injury to the employee, others around them, the public and/or the immediate  environment”. 

3. Policy:  

3.1. Municipal government prohibits the public consumption of cannabis. Provincial government  prohibits the use of cannabis in vehicles. As such,  the use of cannabis at 2229946 ALberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness is prohibited. 

3.2. All individuals working at 2229946 ALberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness (including volunteers and contractors) are expected to report  fit for duty for scheduled work or internship and be able to perform assigned duties safely and  acceptably without any limitations due to use or after effects of alcohol, marijuana, illicit drugs,  non-prescription drugs, prescribed medications, or any other substance situation, or issue that  may impair judgment or performance.  

3.3. 2229946 Alberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness has taken the position that the presence of illicit drugs, recreational drugs including  marijuana and alcohol on the worksite is not permitted.  

3.4. Any individual failing to adhere to this policy will be subject to discipline up to and including  expulsion. 

4. Procedures:  

4.1. Employees or interns who are assessed and suspected to be impaired while in the clinic will be sent  home immediately.  

4.2. Transportation will be arranged if needed, the cost of which will be billed to the individual. 4.3. 2229946 ALberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness is responsible for documenting any incidence of suspected impairment.

4.4. Interns & employees are encouraged to inform their supervisor or another named person(s)  

about any situation that may compromise their safety or the safety of others, or impair their  performance.  

4.5. Interns & employees shall advise their supervisor whenever they have any concerns about their  colleagues’ fitness or duties.  

4.6. Management will work with the individual to determine appropriate disciplinary  action if necessary. 2229946 ALberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness will ensure adherence to reporting requirements with the  appropriate licensing bodies.  

4.7. A letter of warning will accompany any disciplinary action taken for the first offence.  After a second offence, a disciplinary hearing will be held to discuss the course of action. After a  third offence, the employee/intern will be terminated. In addition, an employee/intern may be expelled  at any time for endangering the safety of staff or clients on site. 

5. Privacy: 

5.1. 2229946 ALberta LTD/Bridges to Wellness will respect the individual’s dignity and privacy throughout the impairment assessment  and disciplinary proceedings, subject to such reasonable exceptions as are necessary to assess  and implement policy. Exceptions to privacy may arise when the safety of individuals is at risk  or if disclosure is required by law, or otherwise in accordance with the Freedom of Information  

and Protection of Privacy Act.  

6. Periodic Review of Policy: 

6.1. In order to ensure that this policy continues to be effective, it shall be reviewed periodically, no less than every five years. 

7. Relevant Legislation:  

7.1. Occupational Health and Safety Act; Human Rights Act  

7.2. Cannabis Legalization in Alberta 

7.3. City Of Calgary By-law, Public Consumption of Cannabis